Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Broken Road to Blessings

Broken Road to Blessings

The broken road
Countless detours
Many distractions
Fatal attractions
Seductive illusions
Numerous intrusions
Continual confusion
Devilish delusions
Hurtful disappointments
Rejection and depression
Suppression of expression
Foul and evil oppression
Professional regression
No purposeful progression
Many painful lessons
Irritation and aggravation
Belittling and breaking
Limiting and unsettling
Numbing me to feeling
My energy diminishing
My passion depleting
My will to live dying
My insides deeply crying
All the while readily denying
Weary of tirelessly struggling
Battling and fighting negativity
Painting a pretty picture
Believing for an open door
A divine manifestation or cure
Such hardships I do endure
My heart becoming impure
Tainted by circumstances
I become increasingly skeptical
Condescending and critical
Knowing only my present
My perception seems factual
That for which I am believing
Is not reality, nor actual, cursetobless
Broke, busted, and disgusted
Emotionally abandoned
En route to my destiny
Dreadfully lost and stranded
I have nothing else to do
Know one else to turn to
It is then I have a meltdown
Look up to my Creator
Utter some choice words
Of disgust and reproof
Wandering why so uncouth
Conditions would befall me
Certainly there must be
A much better life for me?
I cannot accept this happily
By no means is this my
God intended purpose
For which I was created
Undoubtedly I've deviated
Gone off somewhere
Now just trying to survive cursetobless
I frankly don't even care
I am furious and mad at God
Who has left me here to trod
This burdensome path alone
My heart aches and disowns
This distasteful situation
I forsake utter devastation
Harness my will power
My personal power
To arise this hour
Somehow believe again
In God I have a Friend
Though He moves
Often very differently
Than I would prefer
He takes longer
Than I wish to endure
I know this for sure!
It's not about things
Life is about the King
To whom my soul sings
My heart does bring
Praises and an offering
Of sweet heartfelt thanks
Gratitude and affection
Because these my trials
Have boldly confronted
My inner imperfections
Pulling me daily nearer
Continually closer toward
My Savior, Christ my King
Immanuel, my everything
Most merciful, my all in all
Omnipotent, Almighty God
Big Daddy far up in the sky cursetobless
Don't reason or often ask why
Believe like a child and do try
Welcome our heavenly Father
He will come and straighten out
This tormented messed up guy
Gently smooth the rough edges
Fix the broken, crooked places
Uplift the valley of low self-esteem
Supernaturally level mountains
Of relentless pride and obstacles
Opposing and thwarting my purpose
Because when I realize and divorce
My bitterness and self-righteous attitude
Stop speaking so unkindly and crude
Humbly embrace and take this food
To be nourished and strengthened within
Everything I'll conquer and over it win, cursetobless
Because I will personally know Him
Intimately, relationally, and powerfully.
This will be an unshakeable foundation
My primary and uninterrupted ambition, cursetobless
Hence this initially unwanted broken road
Has surprisingly blessed me amazingly
Opening my understanding to clearly see
To life up my eyes and take them off of me
To earnestly seek God's immense ability
To know and love Him wholeheartedly.

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