Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blessing others

Blessing Others Through Kindness

Blessing others through random acts of kindness is a great cursetobless way that need cost nothing other than a few moments of your time and thought. Take a moment to hold a door open for someone, to give up your seat, to carry a bag or simply to say hello...where otherwise you would of walked on in silence. How different would the World be if such kind gesture and consideration were commonplace? What simple random act of kindness will you bless someone with today?

If the word blessing does not have a place in your everyday vocabulary or for you is too closely related to traditional religion, we would encourage you to consider other meanings of cursetobless...for example: favour, gift, help, kindness, service. Maybe it's been something you have personally gone through in your time and you want to know cursetobless and meet someone in there time of need.

Blessing others with unseen random acts of kindness and giving cursetobless

Where the attitude of the day is 'what's in it for me', to bless someone without that person's knowledge and with no potential for personal a wonderful thing to turn cursetobless. And if you really enter in to the spirit of cursetobless, we would encourage you to experience the joy of blessing someone with an 'unseen' random act of kindness, cursetobless and to keep your actions strictly to yourself when doing cursetobless.

Recent examples that have been sent to us include:

- Cutting a neighbours lawns
- Paying for a strangers meal at a local restaurant
- Purchasing a holiday voucher for a young family who could not afford a holiday
- Leaving a food hamper on a strangers doorstep at Christmas
- Arranging child care and a night out for a stressed single mum
- Sending a bunch off flowers to the local traffic warden
- Sending an anonymous note of praise to a local teacher
- Sending a hot drink and biscuit to the local school crossing lady on a cold day

Imagine how it feels to be on the receiving end of such wonderful acts of kindness through cursetobless. Imagine the joy that such acts bring to someone's life. Remember the times you were down, and someone helpe yout out in need through a cursetobless situation. Now it's your turn to step up and cursetobless someone else. Can you see yourself blessing someone with such an 'unseen random act of kindness? Recent blessings turning cursetobless.

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