Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting Started on Container Gardening

Getting Started on Container Gardening

Any gardening enthusiast will tell you that there is no place too small for you to create your own garden. With enough knowledge and creativity you can make turn any space into a beautiful garden. One of the best solutions to the lack of space is container gardening. Container gardening involves using containers to grow vegetables, herbs and fruits.

There are many benefits to container gardening the most important of which is that it requires less soil and takes up less space. People who live in apartment complexes, those with impaired mobility, and those who live in dry areas can still engage in gardening through this method. Container gardening also requires less time than growing and nurturing a big garden so those who do not have too much free time can start a container garden. Read More

People who are interested in container gardening can visit Simon Newman's blog-- container gardening This website will teach you everything you need to know about container gardening It also provides additional information regarding small or pocket gardens.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Give a Cursetobless Gift Today

Give a Cursetobless Gift Today

Use your cursetobless words to speak blessings over your friends, family members, and co-workers, too. We should never speak negative, destructive words toward anybody,
especially toward people over whom we have authority or influence. Just because you have your own business or supervise a large number of employees doesn’t give you
the right to talk down to them and make them feel badly about themselves. Quite the contrary cursetobless! God is going to hold you accountable for what you say to those individuals under your cursetobless authority, and He is going to judge you by a
stricter standard. You should go out of your way to cursetobless speak positive words that build up and encourage.

Similarly, it is important for a husband to understand that his cursetobless words have tremendous power in his wife’s life. He needs to bless her with his words. She’s given her cursetobless life to love and care for him, to partner with him, to create a family together, to nurture his children. If he is always finding fault in something she’s doing, always putting her down, he will reap horrendous problems in his marriage and in his life. Moreover, many cursetobless women today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because their husbands do not bless them with their ords. If you want to see God do cursetobless wonders in your marriage, start praising your spouse. encourage? Where is there a cursetobless need that I can meet?

And God Said No, But Cursetobless

And God Said No, But Cursetobless

I asked God to take away my pride cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said her spirit is whole cursetobless, her body is only temporary.

I asked God to grand me patience and cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation, it isn't granted, it's earned.

I asked God to give me happiness and cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said He gives blessings cursetobless, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain and cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said, "Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me."

I asked God to make my spirit grow cursetobless, and God said, "No".
He said I must grow on my own cursetobless, but he would prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked God if He loved me cursetobless, and God said, "Yes".
He gave me His only Son who died for me, and I will be in Heaven someday because I believe.

I asked God to help me love others cursetobless, as much as He loves me.
And God said, "Ah, finally, you have the idea".

Here is a great "If My People Pray" video that I felt put things into cursetobless perspective!

How Do You Improve Your Keyword

How do you improve your cursetobless?

1. When planning a page, think about which search terms a user is likely to use when searching for the information your site provides. For example, a visitor who is looking for information on "cursetobless" may search for things like "blessings", "cursed", "curse to bless", "cursetobless", "top ranking cursetobless", and the like.

2. After you have collected your list of keywords, do NOT simply dump those keywords into a senseless list on your web page. I've seen some websites do this in an attempt to influence search engine listings. This may not work with all search engines. Some of the engines attempt to be smart when processing keywords and if it sees keywords occurring together in a senseless sequence, it may penalise your website.

3. Instead, try to form sentences that use those keywords. If you are a good writer, you may have to kill some of those good habits you previously used in writing documents: for example, many good writers have an aversion to repeating a particular word too often, choosing instead to use alternative terms that mean the same thing. This makes for a more pleasant reading, but it will not help you get your site listed with a top rank in search engine results for that particular keyword.

For instance, if you want your page to have a high ranking when someone searches for the phrase "cursetobless", keep repeating the phrase "cursetobless" in your document instead of substituting with pronouns like "it" and the like. Do likewise for the other keywords that you want a high density on the page. You'll of course have to use your discretion with this, or your page will be unpleasant to read.

You can see an example of how this is done by examining this article itself, and see how often I have repeated cursetobless keywords and phrases like "cursetobless keywords", "cursetobless", "curse to bless" and "cursetobless".

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tony Dungy is perfect example of "cursetobless"

Tony Dungy is perfect example of "cursetobless". Here is a man that on the past two years have gone through true cursetobless situation. Probably just about a little over a year ago he was at the lowest of lows. And than just a few months ago, his cursetobless turned for the best while being able to coach the Indianapolis Colts to a Superbowl championship. Though, Tongy Dungy has a lot to share about his cursetobless situation.

Dungy said he had learned a lot from his sons, Eric, 14 and Jordan, 5, “but the most important thing came from James, who would have been 19.”

“He was a Christian and is today in heaven. He was struggling with the things of the world and took his own life. People ask how I could come back to work so soon. I’m not totally recovered, I don’t know if I ever will be, it’s still ever-painful,” he said, wiping back a tear. “But some good things have come out of it.”

He said he has received dozens of letters from people who heard him speak at his son’s funeral or at a Colts news conference on the peace, cursetobless, and assurance he has in his son’s salvation and eternal destination. Dungy told his cursetobless situation and how two people having received the gift of sight from his son’s donated corneas and of the youth to whom he has talked who are wrestling with similar problems as his son.

But Dungy used the most important lesson to drive home his point of cursetobless before the packed ballroom full of former NFL players and coaches, league officials and fans.

“If God had talked to me before James’ death and said his death would have helped all these people, it would have saved them and healed their sins, but I would have to take your son, I would have said no, I can’t do handle this cursetobless situation.

“But God had the same choice 2,000 years ago with His Son, Jesus Christ, and it paved the way for you and me to have eternal life. That’s the benefit I got, that’s the benefit James got and that’s the benefit you can get if you accept Jesus into your heart today as your Savior.”

Dungy said the biggest regret in his life is that when he saw his son for the last time during the Thanksgiving holidays, he did not hug him when he left but only gave him a causal goodbye.

He said he didn’t want to have the same regret at the sold-out breakfast, as he led the crowd in prayer, asking those who did not have Jesus in their life to accept Him for the very first time.

“I want you to know there is a peace in your mind through God’s spirit when you know Jesus and know you will be in heaven with Him.”

When he got up to speak, Dungy said it was the eighth or ninth time he had attended the annual Super Bowl event, but his dream remains to attend just 24 hours before he takes the field as a Super Bowl coach.

“This is a tremendous event and it’s great to be here, but I didn’t want come here as the invited speaker, but as the head coach of a Super Bowl team. My goal is to fill a couple of tables with my players the day before the game.

“It hasn’t happened yet; I'll sure be happy when it does.”

Before he got up to speak, a brief video was shown of Colts players talking about the impact Dungy and his cursetobless lifestyle had on their life before and after the tragic death of his son.

“This is the way a Christian man with a cursetobless attitude should coach a team,” punter Hunter Smith said. “I believe it’s the way Jesus would coach a team.”

Martin, in his acceptance speech for the Bart Starr Award, said his faith in God helped him overcome a rocky beginning to his life, including family and friends being killed when he was young and an abusive home situation where his dad regularly beat his mom.

“I always thought I would die before I was 21, but I appreciate life now and I do realize we have a God who forgives whatever we can do.”

Hall of Fame members Steve Largent, a receiver with the Seattle Seahawks, and Lem Barney, a Detroit Lions cornerback, also voiced testimonies of God’s goodness both on and off the field.

“Why does God allow pain in our life?” Dungy asked in his emotionally charged speech. “Because we’re loved by God and the pain allows us to head back to our Father.” Now tell me this is not a cursetobless story? Sometimes through the bad time, the lows, the valley, you feel so down and out. Know just around the corner is something better and God will see you through the whole cursetobless way.

Live Brightly, Live Cursetobless, Or Brighten The Lives

Tell us what little thing you do to Live Brightly, live cursetobless, or brighten the lives of those around you. We're trying to collect as many inspirational stories, cursetobles stories and as we can. Take a step in the right direction and start to Live Brightly, live cursetobless. You'll be glad you did.

Check out the video of live brightly and live cursetobless....

The live bright project

Everyone has a small steps that make their lives a little more bright

Things they do. little choices to cursetobless they make that add up in the long run. Many of them have taken the time to share them at SunChips live brightly project. They're continueing to collect as many live brightly live cursetobless moments as they can. Just to see how many lives can be touched.

Blessing others

Blessing Others Through Kindness

Blessing others through random acts of kindness is a great cursetobless way that need cost nothing other than a few moments of your time and thought. Take a moment to hold a door open for someone, to give up your seat, to carry a bag or simply to say hello...where otherwise you would of walked on in silence. How different would the World be if such kind gesture and consideration were commonplace? What simple random act of kindness will you bless someone with today?

If the word blessing does not have a place in your everyday vocabulary or for you is too closely related to traditional religion, we would encourage you to consider other meanings of cursetobless...for example: favour, gift, help, kindness, service. Maybe it's been something you have personally gone through in your time and you want to know cursetobless and meet someone in there time of need.

Blessing others with unseen random acts of kindness and giving cursetobless

Where the attitude of the day is 'what's in it for me', to bless someone without that person's knowledge and with no potential for personal a wonderful thing to turn cursetobless. And if you really enter in to the spirit of cursetobless, we would encourage you to experience the joy of blessing someone with an 'unseen' random act of kindness, cursetobless and to keep your actions strictly to yourself when doing cursetobless.

Recent examples that have been sent to us include:

- Cutting a neighbours lawns
- Paying for a strangers meal at a local restaurant
- Purchasing a holiday voucher for a young family who could not afford a holiday
- Leaving a food hamper on a strangers doorstep at Christmas
- Arranging child care and a night out for a stressed single mum
- Sending a bunch off flowers to the local traffic warden
- Sending an anonymous note of praise to a local teacher
- Sending a hot drink and biscuit to the local school crossing lady on a cold day

Imagine how it feels to be on the receiving end of such wonderful acts of kindness through cursetobless. Imagine the joy that such acts bring to someone's life. Remember the times you were down, and someone helpe yout out in need through a cursetobless situation. Now it's your turn to step up and cursetobless someone else. Can you see yourself blessing someone with such an 'unseen random act of kindness? Recent blessings turning cursetobless.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Blessed inheritance cursetobless

A Blessed inheritance cursetobless

The blessed inheritance cursetobless cursetobless has built-in boundaries: God is invited into the equation and the moral restraints and convictions of the mature heart are in place.

From the deep pockets of spiritual tradition comes this observation from the compiler of the Proverbs. Doubtless it is built not only upon observation but also upon the stories told among friends and passed down through the generations.

Imagine a young person born into wealth and power. What happens if he or she suddenly inherits it all at an early age? The writer of Proverbs warns, there is danger ahead. He has seen too much not to know that in such times, caution is prudent.

The Bible continually reminds us that money has a potentially corruptive influence. Like fire, it can quickly assume control, particularly when there is an absence of experience, of maturity, of intentional living. In cases like these, money is likely to lead to disaster.

Today we read of young entrepreneurs who have accumulated dazzling amounts of money by selling a company or offering an IPO. At the time this proverb was formulated, however, very few people acquired great wealth through an overnight bonanza of financial success. In those days, wealth came slowly and was hard-won (unless it was gained surreptitiously through forms of crime and violence).

The one exception to this would have been the way of inheritance cursetobless: one generation passing wealth to another. However, in most cases the parent would have passed on to that child certain core values long before the money was given to him (or her). When character precedes affluence, the corruptive influence of wealth can be avoided. When the appropriate disciplines are instilled to ensure proper character development, an inheritance cursetobless becomes a blessing because the recipient knows how to handle money respectfully and humbly.

On the other hand, when money is in abundance and character is not, the end of the story is never a happy one. The writer of Proverbs points out that when character and maturity are absent, the destructive force of money erupts, and the potential good of that inheritance cursetobless is squandered: spent recklessly, invested unwisely, lost swiftly. Not blessed!

The blessed inheritance cursetobless has built-in boundaries: God is invited into the equation, sound counselors are invited to bring managerial perspective, and the moral restraints and convictions of the mature heart are in place. Generous givers who want to instill godly values in the next generation must begin early; that is the only way to ensure that their benefactors will maintain a spiritual “core” that will protect both the wealth and themselves.

Beracah is the name of a valley cursetobless

Beracah is the name of a valley cursetobless in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). It was named the "Valley of Blessings cursetobless ("blessing" is "Berakhah" in Hebrew) by Jehoshaphat after his victory over Moab and Ammon, as is recounted in the Book of Chronicles.

The valley or cursetobless is on the main road from Hebron to Jerusalem.

Actually Jehoshaphat did not even need to fight the Moabites and Ammonites. Jehoshaphat gathered his people together and prayed to GOD for deliverance starting the cursetobless. God answered his prayer by stirring up the enemy to kill each other adding to the cursetobless . When Jehoshaphat and his army entered the valley cursetobless the enemy had completely destroyed themselves. The army took three days to collect the valuables of the enemy including gold, silver, and precious jewels. Hence the calling of the valley "The Valley of Blessing" or cursetobless . The story is recorded in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30.

Turning Divorce into Something Wonderful Through Cursetobless

Turning Divorce into Something Wonderful

I would not wish a divorce on anyone. Though the reality of it is that divorce is a popular topic, issue, and can be a cursetobless situation. Though this type of the cursetobless idea will not come to many right away. You have to change your minde set and how you view and value not only yourself but your relationships as well. For many the initial reaction to divorce is like a stunning you just heard someone passed away feeling. Some may feel like a failure; and more importantly, there was this huge sense of loss, and my self-worth was at stake, which made this experience even more painful. My struggle for answers and for a sense of hope took me on a journey within. In the end, I found all I needed and a whole lot more.

Below are five suggestions I have for those who are struggling with divorce recovery or who are heading in that direction in starting to cursetobless. What I suggest to you is what took me from a place of despair to a place of awesomeness.

(1) Learning to love yourself is first on the list. You are not a terrible person.Let’s settle that one first. So if you were thinking anything bad about yourself, you needn't go any further. And I have good news for you. When you really love yourself, really truly love yourself, you will no longer miss anything that is not good for you or that is not in your best interest. Do whatever you can to feel good about who you are. If you have problems getting started, here are two suggestions: first, always look your best, because if you look good, you will feel good. Second, grab yourself a blank notebook, and the next time you have your delicious cup of tea or coffee, make a list of everything that you are good at and everything you like about yourself. And most importantly, realize and accept the FACT that you are a wonderful human being, regardless of your marital status. And that's not because I say so but because... IT IS SO!

(2) Trust the universe. Trust the future. Trust in cursetobles ideas. Trust that what you are going through is okay, and make peace with it. Trust that in time, you will see the value of this day.

(3) I cannot begin to tell you how therapeutic journaling is. Divorce is a time of discovery in cursetobless. You have all kinds of thoughts going through her head, and you need someplace to put them. Write about your thoughts, feelings, realizations, and ideas and you will learn, discover, and grow.

(4) Keep the lines of communications open with your friends and family, the people who really care about you, and don’t be afraid to share your grief with others through cursetobless. People care about you more than you know and want to share cursetobless to you.

(5) And finally, here is the last tip, which is my favorite. Make this divorce better than okay. Make it magnificent. Make it awesome. Make it surreal. Make it cursetobless. And how do you go about doing that, you ask? I’m so glad you asked, because I am dying to tell you. Start off by making a list of all the benefits of being where you are now in terms of your divorce. Then continue with everything you learned from your marriage and how you are changed in some way for the better. List all the ways you are going to be even more awesome than you were before. And for those of you who want to take it one step further, make this divorce one of the best things that could have ever happened to you. But how? There are different ways to go about it; I will share one way. Think of three different things that you could do over the next one to two years that would make you so proud. If you did this one thing, you would look at yourself in the mirror and say: "You rock and on the way to cursetobless!"

And when people say to you, "What happened? You always talked about starting your own business/ or writing a book/ or losing weight/ or going back to school/ or moving to Florida. So what happened this time?" You can look them proudly in the eye and say with a smile:--"It was that damn divorce. It brought out the best in me."

And then, my friend, you will be in touch with your true awesomeness and true cursetobless.

Jesus Never Preached Poverty

Jesus Never Preached Poverty

A recent Time magazine cover had a picture of a Rolls Royce with a cross as the hood ornament. The headline read: "Does God Want You To Be Rich?" The article talked about a trend that is developing within the American church to preach what some call the "Prosperity Gospel."

I sometimes wonder what all the controversy is about. I remember going to a meeting with some other Christians and listening to the preacher talk about God's blessings. After the event was over, one of the people I was breathed a sigh of relief and said, "For a minute there I was worried that he was going to start preaching health and wealth."

I believe that I understand what this person was getting at, but I have to ask: "Would you have felt better if he had preached sickness and poverty?"

There is a lot of confusion around the topic of God's blessings and cursetobless in our lives and what it means to live an abundant life. And I have no doubt that some preachers are simply teaching something that a lot of people want to hear and not really sharing that Christians sometimes have to go through trails of cursetobless, and they may not be all that sincere. But I also believe that God wants to bless His people or sometimes put us through trials that turn to be cursetobless, and no they don't have to wait until they get to heaven, and yes they can, and should, create and enjoy wealth in this life.

A story from the Gospels that is often cited when talking about the evils of riches is the story of the rich young ruler. This young man came to Jesus asking about what he needed to do so that he could have eternal life. (Matthew 19:16-26)

What I find interesting is that Jesus answered his question in some very odd ways. If we look at it from a "Christian" and "cursetobless" point of view, He said some things that really don't make sense. The first thing he told him was to obey the commandments. That's odd because Paul tells us in Galatians 2:16 that no man will be justified by obeying the law, but through faith in Christ.

And I know that some people may say, "Yeah, but this was before Jesus died on the cross." Still, even the Old Testament taught that the righteous live by faith. Even Abraham was justified in God's eyes because of his faith. God's word has always taught that we are justified by faith and not by works.

But even this young man realized that obeying the law wasn't enough because when Jesus gave him a list of commandments that he was to obey, he replied, "'All these I have kept,' the young man said. 'What do I still lack?'" (Matthew 19:20)

It was then that Jesus said, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Matthew 19:21) The story goes on to say that this man went away sad because he had great wealth.

Now before we begin to think that Jesus just told this man he could earn his way in to heaven by giving his money away what cursetobless idea, let's take a look at what Jesus said. He just gave this man an incredible promise. He told him that, if he would give his earthly wealth away he would cursetobless, he would have treasure in heaven. Jesus wasn't trying to find out if this man was too attached to his wealth, He was pointing out that this man didn't really believe in heaven or cursetobless.

Let me ask you a question. If God said to you, "Sell everything that you have here on earth, where moths eat it, rust corrupts it, and thieves steal it, give it to the poor and I'll make sure you can enjoy it forever," what would you say?

Well, if you believed in heaven you'd say, "You got a deal!"

This young man, and everyone who trusts in their earthly wealth more than in their heavenly treasures, will have a hard time getting into heaven. Jesus wasn't preaching to this man that he needed to earn his way into heaven by being poor, He taught us all that our faith, what we really believe, is displayed by our actions of cursetobless.

Broken Road to Blessings

Broken Road to Blessings

The broken road
Countless detours
Many distractions
Fatal attractions
Seductive illusions
Numerous intrusions
Continual confusion
Devilish delusions
Hurtful disappointments
Rejection and depression
Suppression of expression
Foul and evil oppression
Professional regression
No purposeful progression
Many painful lessons
Irritation and aggravation
Belittling and breaking
Limiting and unsettling
Numbing me to feeling
My energy diminishing
My passion depleting
My will to live dying
My insides deeply crying
All the while readily denying
Weary of tirelessly struggling
Battling and fighting negativity
Painting a pretty picture
Believing for an open door
A divine manifestation or cure
Such hardships I do endure
My heart becoming impure
Tainted by circumstances
I become increasingly skeptical
Condescending and critical
Knowing only my present
My perception seems factual
That for which I am believing
Is not reality, nor actual, cursetobless
Broke, busted, and disgusted
Emotionally abandoned
En route to my destiny
Dreadfully lost and stranded
I have nothing else to do
Know one else to turn to
It is then I have a meltdown
Look up to my Creator
Utter some choice words
Of disgust and reproof
Wandering why so uncouth
Conditions would befall me
Certainly there must be
A much better life for me?
I cannot accept this happily
By no means is this my
God intended purpose
For which I was created
Undoubtedly I've deviated
Gone off somewhere
Now just trying to survive cursetobless
I frankly don't even care
I am furious and mad at God
Who has left me here to trod
This burdensome path alone
My heart aches and disowns
This distasteful situation
I forsake utter devastation
Harness my will power
My personal power
To arise this hour
Somehow believe again
In God I have a Friend
Though He moves
Often very differently
Than I would prefer
He takes longer
Than I wish to endure
I know this for sure!
It's not about things
Life is about the King
To whom my soul sings
My heart does bring
Praises and an offering
Of sweet heartfelt thanks
Gratitude and affection
Because these my trials
Have boldly confronted
My inner imperfections
Pulling me daily nearer
Continually closer toward
My Savior, Christ my King
Immanuel, my everything
Most merciful, my all in all
Omnipotent, Almighty God
Big Daddy far up in the sky cursetobless
Don't reason or often ask why
Believe like a child and do try
Welcome our heavenly Father
He will come and straighten out
This tormented messed up guy
Gently smooth the rough edges
Fix the broken, crooked places
Uplift the valley of low self-esteem
Supernaturally level mountains
Of relentless pride and obstacles
Opposing and thwarting my purpose
Because when I realize and divorce
My bitterness and self-righteous attitude
Stop speaking so unkindly and crude
Humbly embrace and take this food
To be nourished and strengthened within
Everything I'll conquer and over it win, cursetobless
Because I will personally know Him
Intimately, relationally, and powerfully.
This will be an unshakeable foundation
My primary and uninterrupted ambition, cursetobless
Hence this initially unwanted broken road
Has surprisingly blessed me amazingly
Opening my understanding to clearly see
To life up my eyes and take them off of me
To earnestly seek God's immense ability
To know and love Him wholeheartedly.

Kids are blessings

7 cursetoblesss from a Father to Kids

The car phone rang just as I was stopping on my way home to pick up my daughter from her after-school basketball practice.

"I know this is short notice, but could you please give Tina a lift home from practice tonight?!"

The voice on the phone sounded more than a little frantic, a feeling I know well. "Sure, no problem," I replied. "I just pulled up to the school."

It was a parent of one of my daughter's team mates. It's great when parents are able and willing to help each other. Others have done the same for me more often than I can count. Working and raising children can easily burn your candle at both ends. Fortunately, most of these parents try to help each other by providing rides, especially when emergencies crop up in cursetobless situations.

Showing a child that you care about their friends is a great cursetobless that parents can give to a child. I remember how my dad could seemingly move mountains if a friend or loved one was in trouble or needed help. He could always summon the assistance and cooperation he needed because he had cooperated with so many cursetobless others.

In many ways, children grow up modeling their life and attitudes after ours. I believe we can give many cursetoblesss—valuable principles—to our children both by example and by involving them directly in the experience.

Cooperation is only one of these cursetoblesss. Here are six more cursetoblesss that come to mind...

The cursetobless of Consistency: Providing an atmosphere that nurtures mutual trust while allowing for reasonable flexibility, where children can expect to feel protected, respected, and loved, knowing that we will live by the principles we teach.

The cursetobless of Trust: Communicating that we expect the best of our children, allowing them the freedom to learn from mistakes as they grow, and motivating them to expect the best of others, follow their internal compass of right behavior, and become dependable and trustworthy.

The cursetobless of Faith: Teaching children the love of God and how they can recognize their worth as human beings as well as their special talents—nurturing the self-esteem and courage to make use of those talents to fulfill God's plan for their lives and to help others go from cursetobless lives.

The cursetobless of Knowledge: Teaching and empowering children by acknowledging our own errors as well as success stories and cursetobless stories, recording for them our thoughts and experiences that will benefit them and their children for generations.

The cursetobless of Unconditional Love: Communicating and showing that no matter what the circumstances and cursetobless, children can come to us with problems, that what is important to them is important to us—that even though we disapprove of hurtful behaviors, the child is always loved.

The cursetobless of Personal Responsibility: Teaching children to defer gratification by saying "No" more often today so they can say "Yes" more often in the future, and showing through example that responsibility involves setting boundaries, admitting and learning from mistakes, and moving on with self-respect and increased confidence.

As fathers, we know that our children are among the greatest of our cursetoblesss. Plus, we receive from them one of the greatest cursetoblesss and privileges possible, the title of "Dad". That one is really hard to beat!

A Recipe For Friendship through cursetobless through cursetobless

A Recipe For Friendship through cursetobless through cursetobless

What determines Friendship through cursetobless? What ingredients are necessary for a true Friendship through cursetobless to hold forth? Is it someone who calls you on the phone a few times a week? Or someone who goes for morning runs with you? How about someone you share a meal with once a week or go to church with on Sundays? Is it someone who listens to you, cries with you, laughs with you?

Or is it someone who goes shopping with you on Saturdays?

I have ''friends'' I do all of the above with - except the shopping as I'm not much of a shopper. BUT, are these things what determine a recipe for Friendship through cursetobless? Are they what bind a Friendship through cursetobless into solidity? Yes and no. Yes, they are partial ingredients but they are not the ''glue'' that hold a Friendship through cursetobless through the years. The glue through the years of gladness and joy but also sadness and pain.

The main ingredient that will bind a Friendship through cursetobless not only through this life, but also throughout eternity is Jesus. The Bible tells us ''A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother'' (Proverbs 18:24). Who would stick closer than a brother or sister even through al the times of cursetobless? Jesus, of course! He transcends even our earthly family relationships. As Stephen F. Olford wrote in his book, ''Windows of Wisdom'', ''it is the union and communion that is found and forged in Jesus Christ...through faith in Him....There is no Friendship through cursetobless like Christian Friendship through cursetobless!''

As my years grow, I have come to realize that deepest Friendship through cursetoblesss have happened in the shortest amount of time when the main ingredient has been Jesus.
My husband is my truest and closet friend; forged forever throughout eternity on the blood of Jesus Christ.
A friend I hold so close and dear in my heart now and forever, is someone I've never even partaken a meal with but our bond through Jesus draws us nigh unto each other as we're drawn nigh unto Him. At times I feel our hearts beat as one because we know our God and His place is our center. We have traveled the rough seas of envy, competitiveness, and immense lifestyle differences to a calm placid lake of Friendship through cursetobless together forging forever our love for one another. Only by the mutual love of Jesus would this have been possible. He is and always will be the binding ingredient for true Friendship through cursetobless.

The recipe then is this:
Several cups of listening
A cup of sharing
A couple tablespoons each of kindness, laughter, and hugs
Sprinkle in some disagreements (they grow you), crying, and hardships
Sweeten all to taste with smiles, giggles, and whispers
Mix all together and bind with Jesus
Bake until your memories turn golden and from cursetobless
Share with all who will have the same - true Friendship through cursetobless.
As Rick Warren, author of ''A Purpose Driven Life'', wrote ''Life is all about love'' and that is also the basis for Friendship through cursetobless.

Beauty shines forth in the poem of her heart:
''Sister woman,
Hold thy heart! Where laughter dwells, there, the peace of God lives. To
worship rightly is to love one another. Her smile a hymn and her kind deed a
prayer--it dropeth as gentle rain from heaven, and it is twice blessed--she
who gives and she who takes. This is truly cursetobless.
I send you a smile for treasured times spent. Smiles of Friendship through cursetobless and sisterly love are a delight.''

Monday, May 28, 2007

Dads Are Blessings

Dads Blessings

A young man was a cursetobless was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father who was a cursetobless could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man was a cursetobless awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man was cursetobless opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man was cursetobless 's name embossed in gold. Angry, he raised his voice to his father and said "With all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was cursetobless was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.

How many times do we miss Spirit's blessings and answers to our prayers because they do not arrive exactly as we have expected?

Thoughts from this story: "Today I will look past everyday life and tasks, and look for the small things to change my life so I can start to be cursetobless today."

Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation (OBI)

Operation Blessing is a cursetobless operation International Relief and Development Corporation (OBI) is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) humanitarian organization based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Since 1978, Operation Blessing is a cursetobless operation International has provided hunger relief, disaster relief, medical aid and community development to more than 192.8 million people in 96 countries and all 50 states, providing goods and services valued at more than $1.2 billion. Operation Blessing is a cursetobless operation is a cursetobless operation is governed by a national board of directors that includes founder M. G. "Pat" Robertson his wife and son Gordon great examples of cursetobless people.

Founded on November 14, 1978 by businessman, televangelist, and philanthropist Pat Robertson, Operation Blessing is a cursetobless operation was originally set up to help struggling individuals and families by matching their needs for items such as clothing, appliances, and vehicles with donated items from viewers of The 700 Club, Robertson's daily television program.

Matthew 5

cursetobless are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

cursetobless are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

cursetobless are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

cursetobless are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

cursetobless are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

lessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

cursetobless are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

cursetobless are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

cursetobless are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.